Monday, February 9, 2009 0 Comment Here

Aksi adalah Kontemplasi Tertinggi



By. Ahmad Wasim

Aku hijau, tapi aku mengerti merah

Aku kanan, tapi aku tertarik dengan kiri

Aku bumi, tapi tujuan akhirku adalah langit

Aku disini, tapi aku paham apa yang ada disana

Aku diam, tapi sayap pikiranku selalu membawaku terbang liar tanpa batas, ruang dan waktu tak dapat menghalangi aku

Tuhan, maafkan aku, aku takut berjalan tanpa-Mu

Sunday, February 8, 2009 0 Comment Here

Bertamasya ke Negeri Ayatullah

(Bertamasya ke Negeri Ayatullah)

Oleh : Ahmad Wasim*

Berbeda dengan Revolusi yang lainnya seperti Revolusi Perancis, Revolusi Kebudayaan Cina, Revolusi Rusia 1917, Revolusi Kuba 1959 dan revolusi-revolusi yang lain-lainya, Islam memiliki ciri khas (distinct) revolusinya sendiri.

Revolusi Islam tidak seperti konsep determinisme (kepastian sejarah/takdir) dan meterialisme-nya Marx atau laisses faire (kebebasan karsa) dan meterialisme-industrinya Eropa. Islam mempunyai filsafat perubahan (philosophy of change)-nya sendiri. Revolusi Islam tidak di dasarkan kepada ekstrimisme, perjuangan kelas, materi dan lainnya dari revolusi yang mereka lakukan. Akan tetapi Revolusi Islam lebih mencari akar terwujudnya dari keyakinan ideology atau pemahaman yang mendalam tentang Islam.
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Fatima Mernissi: Rebel for the Sake of Women

Fatima Mernissi : Rebel for the Sake of Women

Fatima Mernissi:

Rebel for the Sake of Women


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Mernissi experienced an upheaval in her thinking. Yet despite the merits of the nationalists who allowed women to get an education, Mernissi admitted that many ideas of Arabic nationalism are still to be accomplished. Polygamy is not yet forbidden, women cannot achieve equal status and democracy has not yet become established in the Arab world.

By: Nong Darol Mahmada

Fatima Mernissi was born in 1940 in Fez, Morocco. She grew up in a harem along with her mother, grandmothers and other sisters. It was a harem guarded strictly by a janitor so that the women could not escape from it. The harem was well-maintained and served by a maid servant. Her grandmother, Yasmina, is one of nine wives but the same fate did not fall upon her mother. Her father took only one wife and did not choose polygamy since the nationalists rejected polygamy. Even so, her mother was illiterate because she spent all of her time inside the harem.

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Islam in Modern Indonesia

Islam in Modern Indonesia

February 7, 2002
Washington DC


Five Indonesians, four Americans and one Australian convened on February 7, 2002 to examine the history, the international connections and the politics of Islam in Indonesia. There was a remarkable consensus among the speakers on the key conclusions, with several of the following points being made by more than one person:

• The increase in Islamic radicalism is due basically to the “abrupt decline of central government authority together with the demoralization of the police.” There is no conspiracy at the center directing radical groups but rather a breakdown in governance at the center and an inability or unwillingness to prevent the excesses of individual players.
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The Urgency of Being a Progressive Muslim : Averroes In Memoriam

The Urgency of Being a Progressive Muslim

Averroes In Memoriam



By: Zuhairi Misrawi

Last December several cultural and philosophical institutions commemorated the death of an imminent Muslim philosopher, Averroes (Ibnu Rushd). The Goethe institute headquarter in Berlin-Germany also granted the Averroes award to Muhammad Arkoun who was observed to carry on Averroes’ thought in enlightening the Muslim world mainly through the historical reconstruction of religions (Alhayat, 11/12).

At the end of 1999, the Institute of Egyptian Philosophy led by Hassan Hanafi held a philosophical symposium titled, “Nine centuries commemorating Ibnu Rushd (Averroes); the pioneer of Arabic rationalism.” This symposium was visited by several thinkers from across the Arab world - Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon and Morocco. The writer who coincidentally became an active participant in that symposium caught the message that Averroes had come up from his grave!
